Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Remove Chocolate Stains On Clothes, Carpet and Upholstery

Whether it is chocolate mousse or just a chocolate candy bar, chocolate is perfect except when it stains your favorite shirt or lands on the carpet or sofa upholstery.

How To Remove Chocolate Stains On Washable Clothes

Chocolate is a combination stain - a bit of an oil stain, a bit of a dye stain. Start by using a dull knife or edge of a credit card to lift away the dropped chocolate. Do not rub the stain because that will send it deeper into the fabric.
Next, rub a dab of heavy-duty liquid detergent like TideWisk or Persil or a paste of powdered detergent and water into the stain. Wash garment as usual with an all-fabric bleach and detergent.

How to Remove Chocolate Stains on Dry Clean Only Clothes

Again, lift away as much of the chocolate as possible using a dull knife or credit card edge. Do not rub or add water, you could make matters worse. As soon as possible point out and identify the stain to your professional cleaner.
If you are using a home dry cleaning kit, be sure to treat the chocolate stain with the provided stain remover before putting the garment in the dryer bag.

How to Remove Chocolate Stains On Carpet

Try to lift as much of the chocolate off the carpet as possible with a dull knife or spoon. If it is melted or liquid, place an ice cube on it for a minute to harden the chocolate and make it easier to lift away.
For the remaining stain, dampen a clean white cloth with water and drop a bit of dish washing detergent on the cloth.
Working from the outside edge of the chocolate stain toward the center, rub in the detergent. Do your best to prevent spreading the stain. Allow the detergent to sit on the stain for at least five minutes.
Wet a clean white cloth with water and "rinse" the area to remove the detergent. Repeat until you feel no more soap.
Allow to air dry.

How to Remove Chocolate Stains On Upholstery

Grab that dull knife or spoon and lift away as much chocolate as you can. Unless your couch is silk (if it is, just call a professional), mix one tablespoon dish washing detergent with two cups cold water. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center sponging the solution with a clean white cloth.
Use a dry cloth to blot away the moisture and repeat until the stain is gone. Do one final sponge with clear water and allow to air dry.

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